Greaves, Edward ‘Criminal Property Confiscation Act 2000: Drug trafficker cases’ (Paper presented for Legalwise seminars at Perth, 26 March 2015).
Greaves, Edward ‘Criminal Property Confiscation and Proceeds of Crime Laws: Practical application of the CPCA and POCA and management of confiscation actions’ (Paper presented at Law Society WA Seminar, Perth, 6 November 2014).
Greaves, Edward ‘High Court in Lee v The Queen restricts access to compulsory examination material’ (2014) 41 7 Brief 14
Greaves, Edward ‘Statutory Interpretation – Practical Problem Solving’ (Paper presented at Legalwise Statutory Interpretation Seminar, Parmelia Hilton, Perth, 12 June 2014).
Vincent, Philip ‘Goldfinger: Stirred and Shaken’ (2014) 41 2 Brief 10
Greaves, Edward ‘To What Extent Does X7 v Australian Crime Commission Remain ‘Useful’ Law?’ (2013) 40 11 Brief 35